Prof. Dunja Mohr
Department of English Literary Studies, University of Erfurt, Germany
Bio: Dr Dunja M. Mohr, University of Erfurt, Germany; Division Head of the Women and Gender Studies Section Association for Canadian Studies in German-speaking Countries,longstanding European Representative and Membership Chair of the Margaret Atwood Society. Her research interests include Canadian and British literature and culture,speculative, dystopian/utopian and Anthropocene fiction, posthumanism, and new materialism.She is the author of the award-winning monograph Worlds Apart? Dualism and Transgression in Contemporary Female Dystopias (2005), Editor of Embracing the Other:
Addressing Xenophobia in the New Literatures in English (Rodopi 2008), Co-editor of the
Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik special issue 9/11 as Catalyst (2010) and principal
editor of Radical Planes? 9/11 and Patterns of Continuity (Brill 2016).